ALBERTO LETAMENDI Pintura / Escultura
Any form of violence is serious for those who suffer it, because it unjustly violates their most basic rights. The responsible party is the one who commits it. But when, among the multiple forms in which violence can take shape, it does so in a specific and constant form, victim and perpetrator also appeal to a context with deep and unhealthy roots that need to be healed. Initiating a process to reach a sincere social agreement to achieve this is not an easy task. To look at each other and recognize each other, to assume one or the other side of this relationship, sometimes both. But coexistence is desirable and essential and this process is necessary if we want our lives and those of the following generations to run safely, eradicating violence. Wherever it comes from. Whoever suffers it.
This is the purpose that inspires the sculpture "ELKARRI BEGIRA", as that meeting place to which we go, damaged, but in which those of us who form this society can build a new, healed coexistence, free of all forms of violence.